Лоиҳа бо БРО

Ҳисобот оид ба мониторинги муҳити зист. Июл то декабри соли 2023

Тоҷикистон: Лоиҳаи миллии идоракунии хавфи офатҳои табиӣ (маблағгузории иловагӣ)

Арзёбии ибтидоии экологӣ

Invitation for Bids - Rebidding

 The Republic of Tajikistan has received financing from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) toward the cost of National Disaster Risk Management Project (Additional Financing), and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this financing to payments under the contract named above. Bidding is open to Bidders from eligible source countries of ADB.
